Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lazy Days

We're moving on to Tucson, Arizona. On the way, we stop at Costco for supplies. We found really good parking.

We came to Lazy Days for a much needed change of scenery, swim in the pool, pick and eat fresh grapefruit from the tree at our site. We met a nice couple on their maiden trip for their new RV. We shared happy hour and talked about the things we have in common and how we enjoy this lifestyle.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Quail Run

We went to dinner in Casa Grande with Dennis and Jackie for Valentines

The best part of my dinner was dessert. Yummy.

Tim has really enjoyed playing golf. I've enjoyed new beading projects. Jackie and I each purchased a beading loom and are working on an intricate project. I think I'm going to start selling some of my jewelry to keep me in my beading habit!

The third week in February we celebrated Dick's 70th birthday. We went to beautiful Robson Ranch for food and drinks.

 Maurie, Tim, Renee, Jackie, Dennis, Mike, Geri, Dick, Carol

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend at Kays

I spent a girls weekend at Kays house. Lindsey came over to do our hair and the next day we hiked the Mormon Trail on South Mountain in Phoenix.

When I got home, there was a beautiful bouquet of flower from Tim. Ahh. Distance does make the heart sweeter. Very innovative with the vase too.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Superbowl Champions 43-8

We've moved on to Quail Run in Arizona City. For the past month we have had no TV. Zero, Nada. Zilch. We cannot watch the playoffs in our own home. We did watch the playoffs but had to go to a bar and one time we went to Chris & Chucks vacation house. It was known the 12th Man was in the house. We had more swag than any other football fans around:

Happy birthday Kaela