I've taken to checking weather.com for the hour by hour forecast. It's been raining for a couple of weeks now and when we find out it will be clear for a few hours - we are on our way!
This is our RV spot. Even when the weather is horrible, I love it here.
We are near Palisades Reservoir on the Snake River
My favorite day trip is going to Jackson. When did it stop being called Jackson Hole?
The town square has 4 beautiful antler arches
There should be a truck - or horse - parked in front of a Cowboy Bar, not a VW Beetle
Another beautiful afternoon we biked along the path to Teton Village Ski Resort.
We had a delay on the road today - cowboys were driving their cattle to open range
Today is our 11th wedding anniversary.
Our good friend Becky treated us to a wonderful night at Greystone B&B in Lava Hot Springs
We had a gourmet meal ...
... prepared just for us
Later that evening we went to Lava's famous spring fed hot pools
We tried all the pools; from 102 to 112 degrees
Friday is date night so it was pretty busy.
(I had to post this picture that kept popping into my head)
What a wonderful, unexpected treat for us. Living on the road in a small space and to have this special experience was greatly appreciated. Thank you my friend for starting a new tradition for Tim and I to carry on every year for many years to come.