Our group of three motorhomes drove together through Yellowstone National Park to Cody, Wyoming
Once we were through the Park we stopped by the side of the road for breakfast burritos.
Did you realize the colors of the second rainbow are inverted? Usually the blue is in the inside of the bow, but in the second obscured one the blue is on the outside. Huh. Random factoid.
Chief Joseph Scenic Highway borders Montana and Wyoming
This is a metal art installation at a road side pull out
The road winds at a high elevation to Beartooth Pass. There is a ski run that goes from the road down to the chairlift. You ride the chairlift up to the road where you started. Different.
Upon entering Montana this sign explains that every time you see a white cross on the side of the road the state installed it to represent a highway fatality. It's really sad when you see 5 crosses together.
An abandoned mining town.
Downtown Cody, WY
We spent two days at the amazing Buffalo Bill Center of the West. It's 5 museums housed in one huge building
The latest in Swiss Army knives - see the tiny gun on the top left?
My Uncle gave us girls Indian names when we were little. Mine was Rain in the Face
The intricate beading was beyond amazing. I've always wondered where the beads came from. These Venetian beads were traded to the Native Americans by the early Colonists. Prior to that beads were made from bone, shell, and stone.
We went to the best of the best Rodeo Championship in Cody
Very few cowboys were bucked off their bareback or saddled horses.
The famed Brahma bull.
Devils Tower National Monument in northeastern Wyoming is the core of an ancient volcano and sacred to many Native Americans
Colorful prayer cloths are tied around trees as an offering
Legend has it the deep grooves on the sides of the butte were from a bear chasing after four boys
The traditional Lakota Indian name of Bear Lodge would have been more appropriate that Devils Tower. If this looks familiar that because it was made popular from Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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