Saturday, September 12, 2015

Spelunking the Lava River Cave

Tammy is here from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to stay with us and visit Northern Arizona. All she knew about Arizona was Phoenix. There is so much open land and parks to explore! We've been in Williams for over a month now and I love how much the area has to offer, all within an hours' drive. 

We took a day trip from Williams to Grand Canyon. The on to Wupatki, Sunset Crater, and Flagstaff.

We  really enjoyed Flagstaff. Great shops, cool old hotels, tasty mojitos at the Rendevous.

We did a little bike riding.

Tammy took over the lobby desk to do some work. Looks like she's on Facebook to me.

We went to the Junior Rodeo in town.

We went to visit Denny and Kristina at Wild West Junction. We met the mayor. He asked if we are sisters. Actually, we've had that question more than once. I get to be the taller sister for a change.

Tim, Tammy and I went to Lava River Cave. You climb over lava rocks deep into the cave for 3/4 of a mile. Some places the stones rocked, the deeper you went the smaller the boulders/rocks. Kids and teenagers ran over them. Tammy did a good job of keeping up the group in front of us. I couldn't see even with a head lamp and hand held torch.

It is pitch black in there. It's actually good when there are lots of people around because the lights everyone carries brighten up the place. Surprisingly, there is plenty of room inside for everyone. Sometimes we saw no one at all. Here is Tammy with lights balanced on her hat.

This is what she looked like inside the cave.

Once inside there are 30' ceilings, but along the way though you better watch your head!

Sparkles on the ceiling look like gold but were water. You can see how slippery the small rocks are. 

I was very happy to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is actually the beginning of the cave because it is one way in and out. This adventure was not quite for me. The shadows and uneven surfaces really messed with my balance. I was an accident waiting to happen. Tammy ended up with a couple wounds. I did not for change. Not even a broken bone!

We've moved on to the Verde Valley

The mining city of Jerome is built on a hillside. We walked around but weren't feeling it's charm. Possibly because the night before we had too much fun.

Mining rail cars. The one on the left is a two seat potty.

This colorful butterfly was huge.

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